Santa Ana Car Insurance
All states require that motorists have liability coverage on their vehicles. Typically, drivers are required to take out bodily injury liability (BIL) insurance and property damage liability (PDL) insurance. These kinds of insurance provide coverage for injuries suffered by the other party as well as their vehicle if you’re involved with them in a car accident and considered at fault. Therefore, PDL insurance pays for the costs of repair or replacement to the other vehicle while BIL insurance covers the medical expenses to the other party involved in the accident. In California, the minimum liability requirements are 15/30/15. This means that the insurance provides protection by paying $15,000 per bodily injury claim or $30,000 total per accident and $15,000 for any damages sustained to the other party’s vehicle or surrounding property.
Thus, when you’re obtaining any Santa Ana car insurance quotes, you’ll need to include the minimum state required coverage in your auto package as well as any other insurance, depending on the make and model of your car and the amount of mileage you stack up per year. For instance, if you own a newer model car, you may want to include full coverage or collision and comprehensive insurance. Most Santa Ana car insurance companies can provide you with a number of ways to add full coverage to your policy while working within your budget. Collision coverage provides protection for damages sustained to your car when you’re at fault in an auto accident while comprehensive insurance provides protection for your personal vehicle against vandalism, theft, fire or acts of nature. Of course, you can substantially reduce your premium if you own an older model car that’s paid off as full coverage is usually not necessary.
Nevertheless, regardless of the age of your vehicle, you still may want to consider uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist insurance coverage when you’re obtaining Santa Ana car insurance quotes for your car. Uninsured motorist’s insurance covers you and members of your household if you’re hit by a driver who doesn’t have insurance. Underinsured motorist’s insurance provides the same type of protection and covers you if you have an accident with a driver who doesn’t have adequate coverage.
After obtaining a number of Santa Ana auto insurance quotes, you will be better able to decide on the best policy for you. Santa Ana car insurance companies have a number of plans that can accommodate your insurance needs. Just make sure you obtain optimum coverage at a price you can afford. Therefore, comparison shop and obtain several quotes before you make a decision. Enter your zip code now and you’ll be able to find good coverage for your car at a rate that’s manageable too.